
Some handy mixins that you may find useful.

FatKit currently has a few handy mixins for you to use on your projects.


A handy mixin for quick and easy breakpoints anywhere in your CSS. See below for the options available.

Fluid Image Ratio

Probably too under-used. This handy mixin can be used with background images to create a responsive container for images.

Font Face

If you need to add in a custom font you can use this to normalize the CSS required. Just pass it a name and path.

Font Size

Enter your desired font-size in pixels and the mixin will do the rest as long as you have a base font size set.


Create triangles in CSS using borders. Also included is the ability to add arrows for tooltips if required.


Create elements with angled horizontal edges quickly and easily with this mixin.

Line Height

A unitless line height mixin.


Set a pseudo element as the background colour for it's container.

SVG Background

A handy way to set svgs, especially when using icons. Can be configured to change fill colour states.


Various mixins to handle css animations.


Vertically and/or horizontally center an absolute positioned element.


Various mixins to use instead of :nth-child selectors.

Fluid Font Size

Allows font sizes to scale up in ratio with the viewport width.

Fluid Video

Calculate fluid ratio for a video/iframe based on two dimensions.

Full Width

Allows an element to break out of it's container (like f-container) and appear full viewport width.


define a custom hr using colour, width, position etc.

Inner Border

Define an inset border.


FatKit includes a number of responsive classes to style your content for different viewport widths. This table gives you an overview of the available breakpoints and the associated devices. These breakpoints can be edited in the variables Sass file in the base folder.

The default breakpoints are:

Size Breakpoints Device
Mini up to 479px Phones portrait
Small 480px to 767px Phones landscape
Medium 768px to 959px Tablets portrait
Large 960px to 1199px Desktops & tablets landscape
Xlarge 1200px and larger Large Desktops


@include bp-at-least($breakpoint-medium) {
	/* Matches "small" breakpoint and above */

@include bp-until($breakpoint-large) {
	/* Matches up to "large" breakpoint */

@include bp-between($breakpoint-medium, $breakpoint-large) {
	/* Matches anything between the "medium" and "large" breakpoints */

Fluid Image Ratio

Sometimes you need a background-image to be responsive. This mixin can be used to do just that using padding to create the responsive space for the background image. See voormedia's article for more information.


.fluidratio {
	/* This element will have fluid ratio from 4:1 at 800px to 2:1 at 300px. */
	@include fluid-ratio(800px 200px, 300px 150px);

	background-image: url(http://placehold.it/800x200);

Font Face

Quickly include a font-face declaration. The only required parameters as the font name: the way you refer to the font in your CSS, and font filename: the name of the font file. The path to the font is declared in the variables file in the base directory and defaults to /assets/fonts.


@include font-face('FontFamily', 'Font Filename', 'Font Weight', 'Font Style', 'Font Stretch', 'Font Display');

Font Size

rems are awesome. If you still like to declare your fonts by pixel size (and let's face it, it is still the easiest way from a PSD) you can and should use this mixin to automatically include the rem font size based on the base font size and passed value.


p {
	@include font-size(24);

Line Height

My personal preference with line-height is to use a value without a unit of meaurement because it then becomes based off the font size. However, there are cases where you need to specifiy a pixel value for the line height. But, we're using rems now (see above) and should specify line-height using the same unit. Use this mixin in the same way as the font-size one above.


p {
	@include line-height(24);


Create triangles in CSS quickly and easily with this mixin by Matt Care. Pass through a size (two if you want different dimensions and not a square), a colour (two if you want a different fore and background) and a direction (one of up, down, left, right, up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right, inset-up, inset-down, inset-left, inset-right).


.element {
    @include triangle(50px, #000, 'up');

Or, as a pseudo-element add an extra parameter of 'before' or 'after':

.element {
    @include triangle(10px, #000, 'left', 'before');
    @include triangle(10px, #000, 'right', 'after');

On a button


Based on this article and the fact that quite a few sites now insist on angled sections this mixin should make things much easier. It creates horizontal angles on the top edge, bottom edge, or both, of an element. The only caveat is that the background-color must be solid.


p {
	@include angle(['before'/'after'], [flipped: true/false], [angle: 1.5deg]);

Normal Angle

Flipped Angle

Angle on both


Returns everything you need for a pseudo-element to cover its container in the colour you desire. Just pass it a background colour (usually a variable but hex works) an opacity (if 0.8 isn't the default) and a z-index if you need more or less than 0


.element {
	@include overlay(#000, .8, 0 );

SVG Background

Set a background as an svg, defining a custom fill colour.


/* full svgs list is defined in /assets/styles/base/_variables.scss */
$svgs: (
	'checkered': '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 8 8">
	<g fill="var(--f-svg-fill)"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M0 0h4v4H0V0zm4 4h4v4H4V4z"/></g></svg>'

/*   Set fill colour:
*     1. Use fill="var(--f-svg-fill)" in an SVG's markup as in the map above.
*        This sets a replaceable string target for svg functions & mixins.
*     2. Pass (optional) any fill colour as second arg to svg() or svg-bg.

/* example usage */
.svg {
	/* returns svg within background-image: url() property */
	/* ideal use case for this would be within a pseudo element */
	@include svg-bg('checkered', color('primary', base));

/* return svg as a url, setting background-image manually */
.svg-custom {
	background-image: svg-url('checkered');



A couple of helper mixins for custom animations.


.anim1 {
	/* improve performance on mobile/tablet devices */
	@include hardware-accel();

.anim2 {
	/* improve aliasing on mobile/tablet devices */
	@include improve-anti-alias();

/* full example */
@include keyframe(changecolour) {
	0% {
		color: color('black');

	100% {
		color: color('white');

a:hover {
	/* improves both aliasing & performance on mobile/tablet devices */
	@include animationperf;

	/* delay, duration, animation */
	@include animation(1s, 2s, changecolour);


Center align an absolutely positioned element.


.centeredelement {
	@include center();

/* css output */
.centeredelement {
	position: absolute;
	bottom: auto;
	left: 50%;
	right: auto;
	top: 50%;
	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);


There are far too many mixin helpers to list here, go look it up in your fatkit install: /assets/styles/sass/base/mixins/_family.scss.

Fluid Font Size

Responsive font sizing. The size of the font will scale with the viewport. Pass your min font size and max font size. Mixin automatically has min & max breakpoints set, uses small / xlarge breakpoints which are defined in: /assets/styles/base/_variables.scss


/* minimal usage, breakpoint defaults where font sizing is triggered: min-width: 480px, max-width: 1220px */
h1 {
	@include fluid-font-size(24px, 72px);

/* advanced usage */
h2 {
	@include fluid-font-size(20px, 50px, font-size, $breakpoint-medium, $breakpoint-large);

/* advanced usage hack */

/* the mixin uses the property 'font-size' as it's default reference for sizing, 
/* but we can replace this to create a fluid sizing for any other property! */
.element {
	@include fluid-font-size(20px, 50px, margin-bottom, $breakpoint-medium, $breakpoint-large);

Fluid Video

Uses the padding-bottom technique to create a fluid ratio element, for video and iframes.


.video {
	/* fluid 16:9 aspect ratio container: width, height */
	@include fluid-video(640, 360);

Full Width

Break an element out of it's constrained parent (usually within f-container)


.fullwidth-element {
	@include full-width();

/* css output */
.fullwidth-element {
	left: 50%;
	margin-left: -50vw;
	margin-right: -50vw;
	position: relative;
	right: 50%;
	width: 100vw;


A custom styled hr element, with a few different configurable options.


.hr-simple {
	/* colour, thickness */
	@include hr(#000, 2);

.hr-advanced {
	/*colour, thickness, width, alignment(left,center,right), override user agent styles */
	@include hr(#000, 1, 400, 'left', true);

Inner Border

This adds an inner border to your element, ignoring the box model. Useful if you want to have a regular border, but with another border inside it - without the extra html markup.


.doubleborder {
	/* inner border */
	@include inner-border(#666, 5px, 0);

	/* regular outside border, oh my! */
	border: 5px solid red;